Just like unpacking a client's home, I go a room at a time when I unpack myself after moving. Otherwise, just like you, I get a bit overwhelmed and start to feel scatter brained!

When I start each space, I have the same process. With a clean slate, I first survey the new room. Do I already have a feeling that I'd like something to go in a particular space? For example, in the kitchen - do I already know which drawer I want utensils in and where cookie sheets will fit? Then, so I don't have to rip open everything just to get to those items, I open up everything for that room. (Since I've packed my own things, it's never a problem to know which boxes hold what). I break down the boxes to get them out of the way and spread out whatever will get stored in that room. Sometimes, that means I'm using the floor, the counters, the bed, whatever surfaces I need, as long as it's sturdy and safe.
From there, I can grab the items I already know I want in a certain spot. After that, I work my way backward to zero items left to store. Sometimes, I have to stop to rearrange or adjust a shelf or move a piece of furniture over a few inches. It's better to get it done now, then to move it all after I've filled the cabinet or shelf. And, unless I buy a bunch of new items (unlikely for me!), chances are, I won't need to do this again.
Take out the trash and recycling. Wipe off the counters or sweep the floor of packing dust. Then, hit the shower, because I'm done!