Contrary to most people’s perception of holidays commemorating veterans and military personnel, there are distinct differences. Memorial Day is a somber day to those who have lost a friend or family member in military service.
While Veteran’s Day has more of a celebratory atmosphere to the day. It honors all those who have served in the armed forces.
Many businesses show their appreciation to veterans with discounts. Having a list of participating businesses can be a great help to veterans so they can take advantage of the offers. It also gives other customers and employees an opportunity to thank vets for their service.
As both my grandfathers were veterans of World War II, I’d like to offer a discount to military veterans and personnel for the remainder of the year. Please contact me directly for more information.
Some people honor their veterans by displaying photos, a flag, and medals of honor. Many vets don’t seek the attention of large displays, but do appreciate sincere gratitude from others.