Summer is over, and the school year is here. Practice with and teach organizing to your kids by starting a routine. Kids mimic the environment they’re in, so if it’s chaotic then they feel crazy. Create order and stability with these easy tips.
1. Plan lunches. You can either do this the night before, or plan out the whole week on Sunday night. Depending on if it’s grab-and-go types of food or if that sandwich will be soggy by Tuesday, this will be what fits your schedule and lifestyle best.
2. Plan outfits. Make it a habit to check the weather the night before. Dress them accordingly, and teach them what is appropriate in certain kinds of weather. Especially with the moody Chicago weather, it is better to have an extra layer you don’t need, than need it and not have it.
3. Pack their backpack the night before. You might have seen a trend so far here! Many things can be done the night before. Their backpack is no exception. Have everything tidied up so they aren’t rushing in the morning and slowing you down for work!
4. A designated place for schoolwork at home. Rid yourself of that dreaded feeling when you realize there was paperwork you needed to sign or a project your kid waited to do last minute. Having a place where your child can put all their schoolwork will teach them organization and time management. Plus, you can see their progress and prevent a habit of procrastination.