Organizing Resolutions

For this New Years, make good on your resolutions. Getting organized is the second most popular resolution ( If it made it on your list this year, here are some tips for starting out and keeping it going:

1.    Write things down on the calendar. If you’re using a calendar in your phone or a hard copy planner or even both, write things down as soon as you make plans. Don’t only write down meetings and appointments, but things like what you’d like to make for dinner that night, people to call, and chores to complete. You’ll be able to look back to see what you did when, if you ever need to. It also helps you remember what your goals for the day/week/month are while keeping you accountable.

2.    Designate certain chores to certain days. This will make your schedule smoother and chores won’t fall behind. If you dust every Wednesday, then you will be able to keep up with it. Make your own schedule, though, so it works best for you and your lifestyle.

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