Have an incoming college student? Be sure to grab dorm room
essentials sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until the last minute; Stuff
will go quickly. Ideally, you would have started shopping around June, grabbing necessities here and
there. But, there's still time!
Look at the college or university’s assigned packing list so
that you can see exact items to bring. Also, have your student communicate with
his/her roommate to ensure they don’t bring two rugs, two
microwaves, two mini fridges, etc.
You don't have to spend a fortune, either. There are plenty of places to shop that are economical:
- Bed Bath & Beyond (lots of coupons to use here)
- Target
- Walmart
- Ikea
- The Container Store
- Home Goods
- TJ Maxx
- Marshalls
- Staples
- Office Max