Choice is a huge part of the organizing process. Choose what to keep. Choose what to donate. Choose what your priorities are for your space. My job is never to make those decisions for you. I'm here to guide you through that process such that you come out on the other end confident in your choices. I'm here to remind you of your priorities.
Sometimes, however, we have a hard time seeing the benefit in making choices - one way or the other. We grow negative, angry even, that we live in a space we don't love. Feeling helpless or overwhelmed, we choose to do nothing. We stay angry. We get angrier. More helpless. More overwhelmed. It's a vicious cycle.
Sometimes, we share our space with someone who doesn't share our same goals. Someone who might want the space to stay status quo, even when it's making life more difficult and uncomfortable. Or, we share our space with someone who needs the space to change when we're not quite ready.

The first step in an organizing project is to make the choice that this is the best option for you at this time. Make the choice to believe that you are proactively creating a space you love. Be confident that you can complete this task. Know that brighter days are ahead, just around the organized corner.